Cyber Security Events & Conferences
vSEC recommendations on opportunities to engage and connect with the cyber security community at an event near you. vSEC is also proud to sponsor and participate in the vCISO community – send inquiries to info@vsecllc.com.
Title: 10th Annual IIA/ISACA Chicago Chapter Information Security/Hacking Conference:
D&D Information Security Master
Date: Monday, November 6 – Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Description: Join 200+ security, audit, and risk professionals at their top-rated Cybersecurity Conference. vSEC partner, will be moderating the CISO panel and discussion at the Conference, in collaboration with vSEC colleague, Paul Neff. Additional events at the Conference include highly rated keynote speakers and real world applications of information security and cybersecurity knowledge. For more information, please click here.
Location: Convene, 311 West Monroe, Chicago, IL 60606
Past Events:
Title: NIBA Fall Conference “AI + Your Business”
Date: Wednesday, October 4, 2023, 1:30pm – 5:15pm
Description: vSEC is proud to sponsor this conference as well as participate on one of the panels. Please join us for a discussion focused on Artificial Intelligence and its influence on the financial industry. The explosion of data now available to the futures and options world has led to uses of AI ranging from improved customer service to fraud detection to trading software. It is crucial to understand the role AI already plays in your daily life, and to position yourself to leverage AI to grow your business, enhance your revenue and stay in compliance. Register here.
Location: Downtown Chicago Campus of DePaul University, 1 East Jackson, The Financial Lab Room
Title: PDA Cybersecurity Board Training, hosted by the Private Directors Association
Date: Wednesday, August 25, 2023
Description: Designed in collaboration with Blue Con, the Private Directors Association is proud to present the PDA Cybersecurity Board Training. vSEC co-founder, Mike Phillips, will be moderating the CISO panel. If you are a director of a company board or aspire to become one, this training will prepare you with greater understanding, support, and governance of #cybersecurity practices in companies. Please join the 8-hour training class on August 25 and/or attend the entire Blue Team Con conference August 25-27, 2023. Blue Team Con is an annual in-person cybersecurity conference built for defenders, inclusive of anyone interested in safeguarding organizations.
PDA Members receive a discount – email admin@privatedirectorsassociation.org for more information. To register for the training visit, https://bit.ly/3CATEcz3.
Location: Fairmount Chicago – Millenium Park
Title: Digital Director Network: DOMINO Conference 2023
Description: vSEC partners Michael Phillips attended the Digital Directors Network hosted DOMINO 2023 Conference in Chicago on the Future of Digital and Cybersecurity Governance. Conference participants included leading technology and security executives from across the country, and speakers included experts from the government (SEC, NIST), universities, and firms like Disney, HP and X-Analytics. Sessions included governance responsibilities, e.g., upcoming SEC and NIST (CSF 2.) publications, and ways to manage systemic risk inherent in large businesses and cybersecurity.
Digital Directors Network is helping improve boardroom oversight of digital technology and cyber risk governance. DDN’s program to certify executives as a Qualified Technology Expert (QTE) will help boards identify and meet the upcoming SEC disclosure requirement for board members with appropriate cybersecurity backgrounds. vSEC partners Mike Phillips both are proud to have their QTE certifications and look forward to assisting boards with cybersecurity oversight.
Title: NIBA Spring Conference “The CTA Connection”
Date: Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Description: vSEC is proud to sponsor this conference as well as participate on one of the panels. Please join us for an afternoon of learning focused on how to develop IB/CTA relationship, market to potential clients, navigate multi-broker platforms and report performance.
Location: Downtown Chicago Campus of DePaul University
Title: GCSI 2023 – https://gcsichicago.org
Date: Apr 11, 2023
Description: Building Cyber Resilience: Every year we bring together for this prestigious community recognized event nearly 200 leaders representing Senior Executives, CxOs and CISOs, Senior Security Officers and other senior cybersecurity professionals from a broad range of industries and business sectors.
Location: Chicago – Kent College of Law
Title: ChiBrr Con III – https://chibrrcon.com
Date: Feb 2, 2023
Description: This year we want to highlight how we are BETTER TOGETHER using the NIST
cybersecurity framework. So come and see how your peers have pulled together the CSF-like five mighty defenders who join together and become one unstoppable force.
Location: Morningstar, 22 West Washington Street #7 Chicago, IL 60602